среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.

Грудное вскармливание ребенка хуже, чем убийство 77 человек. Добро пожаловать в Норвегию.

So apparently breastfeeding your own child in Norway is worse than killing 77 people ...

У Эми забрали ребенка по причине, что он в полтора года весил 9,6 кг, а не  "положенные"10. Так как барневерн боялись, что Эми увезет ребенка в Америку, они срочно изъяли его, запретили всякие общения и засекретили адрес, а также дважды поменяли имя, чтобы даже найти было невозможно.

На плакате сравнение. Брейвик убил 77 человек, в тюрьме получил визиты родственников, ТВ, РС и гимнастический зал, есть возможность выбрать еду.

Эми никого не убивала, ей запретили видеть ребенка навсегда, ее лишили родительских прав, ее ребенок находится по неизвестному ей адресу. ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ В НОРВЕГИЮ.



International Lawyers have confirmed that the primary function of European Child Welfare services is to support and assist parents in raising their Children. States have no right to permanently remove Children from their families without compelling reasons in extraordinary circumstances. The cute boy in this picture is Tyler. He is an American citizen who was born in Norway. He was permanently removed from his Mother Amy Jakobsen 

by the Norwegian Child Welfare Service in July 2013. They were concerned that he was still primarily breastfed at age 1,5 years and that his weight back then was only 9,6 kg and not 10 kg (which is actually nothing unusual).

The Norwegian Child Welfare Service did not support the Mother as they were supposed to. They didn't even offer any advice on how to improve the nutrition. Instead they removed the Child immediately. The case documents state that the authorities were also concerned that the Mother could take the boy back home to America. Therefore they took parental and visitation rights away from her. They also changed the name of the boy twice to make sure that the mother would not be able to locate him again.


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